Sunday, January 25, 2009

thumbs up to privacy

omg they're DONE. tomorrow will be the first day that our house will be closed to outsiders. no painters, no interior one but the people who actually live here. joyous days! this was a long time coming. sure, we have all our stuff in boxes in the garage, and furniture still needs to be moved around or taken out, but, wow, i'm so excited to have our privacy back. you don't realize how much you value something until it's gone (even it is by choice).

so any wedding updates to report? we've decided on invitations and will be working on them at some point when we figure out what needs to go on them. and we're on the warpath to ask people to be our ninongs and ninangs. we want to tell them face-to-face if possible, and so far, we've told about half. so we're getting there. we're also figuring out wedding favors, and we have a really good idea of what we're going with and will probably order them in the next couple of weeks.

i'm still wrestling with the idea of a wedding coordinator. the cheapest that i've found who had our date still available is $1400. good grief! i could get an awesome handbag and a wallet for that...or a couple more lenses for my camera. GEEZ. maybe i can beg someone i know to be my coordinator for the day. you'll totally get an awesome present from me after the wedding! LOL.


"Apes" said...

Check these two out..


michelle said...

you rock!

michelle said...

we're going to go with christina from wickedly fab. :-)

"Apes" said...

I would have picked her too. ;D Glad to hear you got one!