Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1st month!

one month has passed since that amazing day.  but as much fun as that day was (i'm still waiting on pictures!), it pales in comparison to all the interesting things that happens when in the actual marriage. oh the little things we can pick at. little but wonderful things! although we bought a house before we got married, we didn't live together until after, so it's been an experience to finally settle in together and learn to share...space, the garage, the kitchen, the closets, and the chores.  if you follow my twitter, there was much fun with yard work and baking the sun.  guess that's what you get when you buy a house! :)

but it's been an experience, and both of us are learning more about each other each day.  and learning to compromise.  mucho importante!! we would have strangled each other already if we didn't learn that very important word.

i'll keep posting entries every once in a while.  gotta keep you entertained with all our fun (mis)adventures.

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