Sunday, January 25, 2009

thumbs up to privacy

omg they're DONE. tomorrow will be the first day that our house will be closed to outsiders. no painters, no interior one but the people who actually live here. joyous days! this was a long time coming. sure, we have all our stuff in boxes in the garage, and furniture still needs to be moved around or taken out, but, wow, i'm so excited to have our privacy back. you don't realize how much you value something until it's gone (even it is by choice).

so any wedding updates to report? we've decided on invitations and will be working on them at some point when we figure out what needs to go on them. and we're on the warpath to ask people to be our ninongs and ninangs. we want to tell them face-to-face if possible, and so far, we've told about half. so we're getting there. we're also figuring out wedding favors, and we have a really good idea of what we're going with and will probably order them in the next couple of weeks.

i'm still wrestling with the idea of a wedding coordinator. the cheapest that i've found who had our date still available is $1400. good grief! i could get an awesome handbag and a wallet for that...or a couple more lenses for my camera. GEEZ. maybe i can beg someone i know to be my coordinator for the day. you'll totally get an awesome present from me after the wedding! LOL.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thank you Miss Manners...

It's funny that I should stumble upon this entry, considering that Francis and I have discussed this as we plan out our event. Come time for the invitations to be sent out, the guest list will be very "trim" so we can accommodate the people we really want to be there.

Dear Miss Manners,
I have noticed lately, that amongst women of the same age group as myself who are engaged and planning large, expensive weddings, that my single friends are invited to said weddings without "and guest" added to their invitations.

It is almost as if the engaged women, in an attempt to keep cost down, have decided that the single women, whether they are dating someone or not, do not get the option to bring someone along to the wedding and reception.

Is this rude? I feel that just because these women are not married or engaged, they still should have the opportunity to bring a date to the wedding and that by assuming their dates just aren't as important if not legally bound by law, the engaged woman is being presumptuous and rude. What are your thoughts?

Gentle Reader,
That the invitation is to a wedding, not to an evening out on the town, and it is not rude not to be married in front of strangers who mean nothing to them and not much to you. If you must scour up a date, Miss Manners suggests looking over the single gentlemen at the wedding, who would not have been asked to bring along "and guest" either.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year!

It's 2009...and we got 8 months 19 days to go 'til it's "walking down the aisle" time. It's been a crazy start to the year. My parents started a house renovation project right before the holidays, so the house is a MESS. Stacks of boxes in the garage and in the living room...insanity! So the holidays flew by (no Christmas decorations of course...there's no place for them!), and here we are in 2009 and the renovations have continued. Francis and I took a mini-vacation to Vegas the weekend after New Year's, and thank goodness we did, because when we came back, my room was wrapped in plastic! I didn't have access to any of my stuff...clothes, shoes, hair straightener, anything! So it's good I had my essentials due to our trip, so I've been living out of my suitcase for a good week now. Almost everything in the house is blocked off...the kitchen, the bathrooms (with the exception of the master bathroom), the bedrooms...ARG! So I got frustrated with not being able to get to anything, so I packed up my doggie and hightailed it to the Residence Inn this past weekend. Oh sweet Internet and fitness room...I missed you so. :-) But I'm back home room and the office have been completed, so "woo-hoo" to accessing my stuff again. And the Internet is back up so I give that a double "woo-hoo"! The kitchen should be unwrapped by the time I get home today, and, hopefully, the treadmill can be unwrapped again...but since I have access to gym clothes I can head over to 24.